Sulfonylureas in diabetes treatment
What is the current place of sulfonylureas in the type 2 diabetes treatment model?
What is the current place of sulfonylureas in the type 2 diabetes treatment model?
How to conduct glucocorticoid treatment to minimize the risk of glucocorticoid-induced adrenal insufficiency?
When to suspect glucocorticoid-induced adrenal insufficiency? What are the symptoms?
Which is the stronger risk factor for the development of glucocorticoid-induced adrenal insufficiency: treatment duration or dosage?
What length of glucocorticoid treatment is associated with a risk of developing secondary adrenal insufficiency?
If you were to name the 3 most important recent advances in endocrinology that are relevant for everyday practice, what would they be?
Dr Leonard Wartofsky from Georgetown University Hospital, United States, shares his thoughts on the 3 most important recent advances in the management of thyroid diseases.
Dr Bess Dawson-Hughes from Tufts University School of Medicine, United States, offers her view on the 3 most important recent advances in the management of osteoporosis.
Dr Hertzel Gerstein from McMaster University shares his views on the 3 most important recent advances in treating diabetes.
Dr Dror Dicker from Tel Aviv University shares his views on the 3 most important recent advances in treating obesity.