Patients most likely to benefit from integrative East-West medicine
Can you describe emotional or psychological aspects of those patients in whom integrative East-West medicine could be especially effective?
Can you describe emotional or psychological aspects of those patients in whom integrative East-West medicine could be especially effective?
What is the role of acupuncture in the treatment of pain syndromes? What other methods should be considered?
Most educational programs in physical examination focus on students or physicians in training. Some data demonstrate that even specialists who completed training only 10 years ago may have inadequate examination skills. Do you think there is a need for formal assessment or educational programs aimed at this group?
What are the most common mistakes made during physical examination?
Can the same triggering factor cause varying skin manifestations depending on age (children as compared with adults)?
It has become proverbial that when laboratory testing fails to determine a diagnosis in a complex patient, we should once again take a thorough history and perform physical examination. Could you comment on that?
What are the basic radiologic skills that all internal medicine specialists should know?
What are the key differential features of primary skin lesions and cutaneous manifestations of systemic diseases?
Syncope is frequent in elderly populations. In clinical practice we are often confronted with older patients with varied functional levels. Is there a minimum set of examinations that we should perform irrespective of the functional status?
How do you see the future of internal medicine in Europe? Is there a chance to unify the internal medicine curriculum in all European Union countries? Should we expect European examination and certification in internal medicine?