VTE: Assessment of PTP
The diagnosis of venous thromboembolism (VTE) is based on assessment of the population pretest probability (PTP) of VTE. How to assess this probability?
The diagnosis of venous thromboembolism (VTE) is based on assessment of the population pretest probability (PTP) of VTE. How to assess this probability?
What scoring systems are used in patients with pulmonary embolism?
What should be the duration of anticoagulation treatment in a patient after an episode of venous thromboembolism (VTE) with confirmed hypercoagulability? Which patients need lifelong treatment? In whom can we consider discontinuation?
Can antithrombotic treatment be used in a patient with liver failure? If yes, when is it recommended?
Which antithrombotic drugs should be avoided and which are preferred in elderly patients?
Should patients receiving anticoagulation treatment carry a special identification card?
What should be the first management steps to be taken immediately upon admission of a patient with bleeding complications of antithrombotic treatment?
Is there still a place for vitamin K antagonists? When can they be used?
How to correctly assess the risk for thrombosis and risk for bleeding when starting or continuing antithrombotic treatment?
In what patients can we consider reducing the duration of lifelong antithrombotic treatment?