Table 16.17-11. Additional self-help resources discussing burnout and resilience



Books and readings

Attending: Medicine, Mindfulness, and Humanity by Ronald Epstein

Written by an expert physician combining his own clinical and personal experiences with current research, this is a useful introductory book that highlights the utility of mindfulness in medical practice.

Humanism and Resilience in Residency Training: A Guide to Physician Wellness by Ana Hategan, Karen Saperson, Sheila Harms, and Heather Waters (editors)

A concise evidence-based guide for medical learners and physicians, which provides tools and approaches to enhance individual resilience and foster humanism in medicine.

Taking Action Against Clinician Burnout: A Systems Approach to Professional Well-Being by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine

A thorough resource using up-to-date research and data regarding health-care provider burnout, related implications, and contributing factors. This book also provides a framework from which to systemically approach clinician and health-care provider wellness.

The Mindful Self-Compassion Workbook by Kristin Neff and Christopher Germer

A user-friendly workbook, which builds knowledge of the science and practicalities of mindful self-compassion as well as fosters skill development through sharing of a variety of practices and exercises.

Online resources and websites

Self-Compassion at

A comprehensive website developed by Kristin Neff, a cofounder of mindful self-compassion, providing readings, research, as well as guided self-compassion meditations and exercises for the beginner.

Resilience in the Era of Sustainable Physicians: An International Training Endeavour (RESPITE) at

A free online resilience curriculum for physicians and medical trainees designed to expand one’s knowledge and learn strategies to enhance individual wellness and mitigate the effects of burnout.