Table 16.19-1. Risk factors for suicide

Epidemiologic and societal

– Inadequate access to health carea

– Male gender

– Age 45 to 59 years (in Canada)

– Sexual identity (LGBTQ2S+ community)

– Some Indigenous populations (Inuit, First Nations youth in Canada)


– Personality factors (impulsivity, pessimism)a

– Family history of suicide and genetic loading

– Early traumatic life events

– Cognitive deficits


– Psychiatric disorder (mood and substance use disorders, schizophrenia)a

– Psychosocial crisis (major life events, stressors, losses)a

– Feelings of hopelessness and social isolationa

– Physical disordera 

– Access to meansa

– Prior suicide attempt and/or self-harm behaviorb

– Local epidemics of suicide and media portrayals

a May be modifiable.

b Strongest risk factor.

Adapted from Hawton K, van Heeringen K (2009), Turecki et al. (2019), and Statistics Canada (2017).