Table 16.17-10. Suggested framework for system-level change to promote well-being



Build infrastructure

For change to be sustainable, there must be infrastructure to support it. Advocate for organizational structures to match values and ensure there is commitment from leadership and resources to support wellness efforts and initiatives.

Engage a wellness team

Identify a wellness leader or officer and appoint a wellness team, ideally composed of all organizational stakeholders, including clinician representatives.

Assess and measure needs and well-being

Conduct a needs assessment. This should include measures of general clinician well-being, which will help to assess the impact of interventions in the future, as well as explore the current factors and barriers to wellness, which will direct interventions.

Design interventions

Plan and develop initiatives or solutions to address factors or issues that provoke the greatest stress among clinicians.

Implement pilot initiatives/programs

Take care to plan, prepare, and implement new programs. Ensure these are well communicated to all staff.

Evaluate program impact and success

Obtain feedback from clinicians regarding the pilot intervention. Consider surveys to evaluate the uptake, effectiveness, and overall satisfaction with the program.

Shift to a more sustainable culture

– This requires continual review, assessment, learning, and program development.

– Keep staff and clinicians engaged, and design reward and recognition systems.