Moderate alcohol intake and cardiovascular diseases
Is moderate alcohol intake permitted in patients with cardiovascular diseases?
Is moderate alcohol intake permitted in patients with cardiovascular diseases?
What has recently changed in the management of non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndrome?
What are the most frequent misconceptions about hypertension?
Smoking cessation often causes weight gain that is difficult to manage. Bearing in mind the risk of cardiovascular events, is it better for a patient to continue smoking or to put on weight?
Prof. Paolo Verdecchia talks about the definition, diagnosis, and treatment of resistant hypertension.
Prof. Paolo Verdecchia explains how to differentiate true resistant hypertension and false resistant hypertension.
Which patients cannot or should not be evaluated by a general practitioner alone before noncardiac surgery? What are the indications for referral to a cardiologist in such cases?
Which perioperative risk calculators are the most valid and reliable?
Prof. John McMurray comments on the use of ivabradine and natriuretic peptide measurements in the treatment and diagnosis of patients with heart failure.
Prof. John McMurray discusses how to improve prognosis in patients with heart failure and the available interventions that can be used in such cases.