Management of patients with anemia and advanced renal failure
Has there been any recent progress in the management of patients with anemia and advanced renal failure?
Has there been any recent progress in the management of patients with anemia and advanced renal failure?
What is the risk associated with becoming a living kidney donor?
In an outpatient setting, until what value of potassium can we let an ambulatory patient go home with indications? When is hospitalization mandatory?
Is there an age limit for renal transplantation? Can an otherwise healthy 70-year-old patient receive a renal transplant?
Would you recommend medical expulsive therapy in patients with ureteral stones?
How to effectively slow down the progress of chronic kidney disease?
Do we have any effective treatment options for patients with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease?
Which nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) present the highest risk of causing kidney injury?
Is there any progress in the use of biomarkers of acute kidney injury (AKI) in clinical practice? Are we close to "kidney troponins"?
Which antihypertensive drugs are preferred in patients treated with hemodialysis and which in those with chronic kidney disease in whom hemodialysis is not yet indicated?