Screening joint US in patients with asymptomatic hyperuricemia to search for uric acid deposits
Should patients with asymptomatic hyperuricemia undergo screening joint ultrasonography to search for uric acid deposits?
Should patients with asymptomatic hyperuricemia undergo screening joint ultrasonography to search for uric acid deposits?
Which patients with asymptomatic hyperuricemia require treatment? Is it a risk factor for cardiovascular events or renal failure?
What tests should be performed in the case of suspected giant cell arteritis (GCA)? What should we look for in the physical examination, laboratory tests, and imaging studies?
What is the currently recommended treatment for chronic gout?
Can the available criteria for giant cell arteritis (GCA) be used to identify GCA in all clinical situations? What should we focus on?
What is the currently recommended treatment for gout attacks?
What is the current approach to treatment of giant cell arteritis?
Has evidence-based medicine been able to prove beneficial or harmful effects of any particular diets in patients with gout?
In which patients with polymyalgia rheumatica should we suspect giant cell arteritis?