TB risk during biologic treatment with agents other than TNF-alpha inhibitors
What is the risk of tuberculosis (TB) during biologic treatment with agents other than tumor necrosis factor (TNF)–alpha inhibitors?
What is the risk of tuberculosis (TB) during biologic treatment with agents other than tumor necrosis factor (TNF)–alpha inhibitors?
What should be the initial management in rheumatologic emergencies? Which patients should be transported to the ICU?
What is the actual risk of tuberculosis during biologic therapy of rheumatic diseases? Which class of drugs carries the highest risk of TB?
When should we start pharmacological treatment of osteoporosis?
What is the currently recommended treatment of Behçet disease?
What is key in the differential diagnosis of Behçet disease?
The majority of patients with rheumatic diseases should be diagnosed and treated within several weeks of symptom onset. What rheumatologic emergencies warrant immediate action?
Are topical nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs effective in the treatment of gout?
Is Behçet disease uncommon or rather underdiagnosed? When should it be suspected?