Dr. Julian Dobranowski about his textbook. Is it addressed only to radiologists?

Julian Dobranowski, MD, FRCPC FCAR
Professor Radiology, Chair of the Department of Radiology McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario

Julian Dobranowski, MD, FRCPC FCAR: The book was written as a passion from my years of experience. What I notice that medical students, when they came to our department, would look at x-rays, would nod their heads, but would not be able to actually take responsibility for interpretation of those x-rays. And I found that the methodologies of learning up to this point were not conducive for students actually to build up confidence in what they were doing.

So the book was written as a partnership between myself, who is a subject matter expert with over 30 years of experience in chest x-ray interpretation, with a medical student that was giving the medical student perspective, and with the third author who happens to be a psychiatrist, but has an expertise in pedagogy and in teaching and learning experiences, and methodologies.

The textbook was written specifically for medical students.

However, the scope of appeal of the book is much broader, and I have found that many practicing physicians, especially internal medicine physicians, have found the textbook useful because they learned how to interpret chest x-ray in the old methodologies. And I found that in many situations, they did not have the background information necessary for them to feel comfortable in their interpretations.

Dr. Julian Dobranowski is a professor and chair of the Department of Radiology at McMaster University, chief of diagnostic imaging at Niagara Health, and provincial head for the Cancer Imaging Program at Cancer Care Ontario.

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