Table 20.2-1. Types of arrhythmia seen on Holter monitor recordings in healthy individuals



16-30 years

31-40 years

41-60 years

>60 years

Sinus bradycardia 40-60/min





Sinus bradycardia 30-40/mina





First-degree AV blocka





Second-degree AV block type Ia





R-R pauses <2 s





R-R pauses 2-3 sa





Occasional VPBs (<50/24 h)





Frequent VPBs (100-1000/24 h)





VPB pairs





Occasional SPBs (50-100/24 h)





Frequent SPBs (100-1000/24 h)





a During sleep, usually at night.

Shaded areas represent the age group in which arrhythmia may be interpreted as normal.

AV, atrioventricular; SPB, supraventricular premature beat; VPB, ventricular premature beat.