Table 18.25-1. 2013 ACR/EULAR criteria for the classification of systemic sclerosis




Skin thickening of the fingers of both hands extending proximal to the metacarpophalangeal joints


Sufficient criterion

Skin thickening of the fingers


Puffy fingersa


If both are present, only the higher score counts

Sclerodactyly of the fingersb


Fingertip lesionsc


Digital tip ulcers


If both are present, only the higher score counts

Fingertip pitting scars




Abnormal nail-fold capillariese


Pulmonary arterial hypertensionf and/or interstitial lung diseaseg


Raynaud phenomenonh


SSc-related autoantibodies:


– Anticentromere

– Antitopoisomerase I (anti-Scl 70)

– Anti-RNA polymerase III


Maximum score: 3

Interpretation: The diagnosis of SSc can be made in patients with a total score ≥9.

a A diffuse, usually nonpitting increase in soft tissue mass of the digits extending beyond the normal confines of the joint capsule, which affects the physiological contour of the fingers (normal digits are tapered distally with the tissues following the contours of the digital bone and joint structures).

b Skin hardening distal to the metacarpophalangeal joints but proximal to the proximal interphalangeal joints.

c Ulcers or scars distal to or at the proximal interphalangeal joint not thought to be due to trauma. Digital pitting scars are depressed areas at digital tips as a result of ischemia, rather than trauma or exogenous causes.

d Telangiectasias are visible, macular, dilated superficial blood vessels, which collapse upon pressure and fill slowly when pressure is released. Telangiectasias in a scleroderma-like pattern are round, well-demarcated, and found on hands, lips, inside of the mouth, and/or are large mat-like telangiectasias. Telangiectasias should be distinguished from rapidly filling spider angiomas with a central arteriole and from dilated superficial vessels.

e Abnormal nail-fold capillary patterns consistent with systemic sclerosis are enlarged capillaries and/or capillary loss with or without pericapillary hemorrhages at the nail fold. They may also be seen on the cuticle.

f Pulmonary arterial hypertension diagnosed by right-sided heart catheterization according to standard definitions.

g Interstitial lung disease: Pulmonary fibrosis seen on high-resolution CT or chest radiography, most pronounced in the basilar portions of the lungs, or occurrence of Velcro crackles on auscultation not due to another cause such as congestive heart failure.

h Raynaud phenomenon: Self-reported or reported by a physician, with at least a 2-phase color change in finger(s) and often toe(s) consisting of pallor, cyanosis, and/or reactive hyperemia in response to cold exposure or emotion; usually one phase is pallor.

The criteria are not applicable to patients with skin thickening sparing the fingers or to patients who have a scleroderma-like disorder that better explains their manifestations (eg, nephrogenic sclerosing fibrosis, generalized morphea, eosinophilic fasciitis, scleredema diabeticorum, scleromyxedema, erythromelalgia, porphyria, lichen sclerosis, graft-versus-host disease, diabetic cheiroarthropathy).

Adapted from Ann Rheum Dis. 2013;72(11):1747-55.

ACR, American College of Rheumatology; CT, computed tomography; EULAR, European League Against Rheumatism.