Table 18.12-1. Diagnostic criteria for MCTD

Diagnostic criteria according to Alarcón-Segovia and Villareal

1. Serologic criterion: Positive antibodies to U1 RNP antibodies at a titer ≥1:1600

2. Clinical criteria:

1) Edema of the hands

2) Synovitis

3) Myositis

4) Raynaud phenomenon

5) Sclerodactyly

Diagnosis of MCTD: Fulfilled serologic criterion and ≥3 of the clinical criteria (coexisting edema of the hands, Raynaud phenomenon, and Sclerodactyly require an additional fulfillment of the criteria 2b or 2c).

Diagnostic criteria according to Kasukawa et al

1. Common symptoms:

1) Raynaud phenomenon

2) Swollen fingers or hands

2. Positive antibodies to U1 RNP

3. Mixed findings:

1) SLE-like findings:

a) Polyarthritis

b) Lymphadenopathy

c) Facial erythema

d) Pericarditis or pleuritis

e) Leukopenia or thrombocytopenia

2) SSc-like symptoms:

a) Sclerodactyly

b) Pulmonary fibrosis, restrictive pattern on pulmonary function tests, or reduced DLCO

c) Hypomotility or esophageal dilation

3) Polymyositis-like symptoms:

a) Muscle weakness

b) Raised serum creatine kinase levels

c) Myogenic pattern on electromyography

Diagnosis of MCTD: Presence of ≥1 common symptom, serologic criterion, and ≥1 from each group of the mixed findings (1, 2, 3).

Adapted from (1) Alarcón-Segovia D, Villarreal M. Classification and diagnostic criteria for mixed connective tissue disease. In: Kasukawa R, Sharp GC, eds. Mixed connective tissue disease and anti-nuclear antibodies. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. (Biomedical Division); 1987: 33-40; (2) Kasukawa R, Tojo T, Miyawaki S. Preliminary diagnostic criteria for classification of mixed connective tissue disease. In: Kasukawa R, Sharp GC, eds. Mixed connective tissue disease and anti-nuclear antibodies. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. (Biomedical Division); 1987: 41-7. 

DLCO, carbon monoxide diffusing capacity of the lungs; MCTD, mixed connective tissue disease; RNP, ribonucleoprotein; SLE, systemic lupus erythematosus; SSc, systemic sclerosis.