Program: Day 2 (June 6, 2015)

8.00–8.20Management of acute deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism
Prof. Jeffrey Weitz (McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada)
8.20–8.40Management tips for use of the new oral anticoagulants
Prof. James Douketis (McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada)
8.40–9.00Managing bleeding complications of anticoagulants
Prof. James Douketis (McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada)
9.00–9.20Approach to a patient with anemia
Prof. Mark Crowther (McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada)
9.20–9.40When to transfuse blood
Prof. Mark Crowther (McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada)
9.40–10.00Panel discussion
10.00–10.20Refreshment break
10.20–10.40Update on the diagnosis and management of shock
Prof. Roman Jaeschke (McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada)
10.40–11.00How to approach incidental thyroid laboratory and imaging findings
Prof. Wilmar Wiersinga (University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, the Netherlands)
11.00–11.20How to diagnose rheumatoid arthritis early enough for a treatment to be successful and how to start therapy
Prof. Anthony Woolf (Royal Cornwall Hospital, Truro, Cornwall, UK)
11.20–11.40How to prevent and treat osteoporosis
Prof. Anthony Woolf (Royal Cornwall Hospital, Truro, Cornwall, UK)
11.40–12.00Panel discussion
12.00–13.20Lunch break
13.20–13.40Approach to a patient with dyspepsia
Prof. Paul Moayyedi (McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada)
13.40–14.00Diagnosis and management of focal liver lesions
Prof. Barry Lumb (McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada)
14.00–14.20Current management of irritable bowel
Prof. Paul Moayyedi (McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada)
14.20–14.40Which cancers should we screen for?
Prof. Mark Levine (McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada)
14.40–15.00Panel discussion
15.00–15.20Refreshment break
15.20–15.40Clinical controversies in stroke management
Prof. Robert Hart (McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada)
15.40–16.00How to manage patients with acute alcohol intoxication
Prof. Dan Perri (McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada)
16.00–16.20Is this dementia or delirium?
Prof. William Molloy (University College Cork, Cork, Ireland)
16.20–16.40Medical challenges in the care of the seriously mentally ill: what internists should know
Prof. Robert Zipursky (McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada)
16.40–17.00Panel discussion
17.00–17.10Closing remarks

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