Terms and Conditions

as of October 29, 2023

Paragraph 1. General Provisions

  1. These terms (Terms) define the rules of participation in the McMaster International Review Course in Internal Medicine (MIRCIM), held annually in Kraków, Poland, and online. The online edition of MIRCIM is hosted on the course website at www.mircim.eu.
  2. The organizer of MIRCIM is Fundacja Polski Instytut Evidence Based Medicine (PIEBM), ul. Gazowa 14 A, 31-060, Kraków, Poland, Court Register (KRS) number 0000154665, tax ID (NIP) 6762258220.
  3. The co-provider and program co-organizer of MIRCIM is the Department of Medicine, McMaster University (McMaster University), 1280 Main Street West, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada L8S 4K1.
  4. The executive organizer of MIRCIM is a civil-law partnership operating as Medycyna Praktyczna - Szkolenia s. c. (MP-Sz), ul. Rejtana 2, Kraków, Poland, NIP 6761773121.
  5. The technology partner of MIRCIM and the provider of the internet platform that will be used to host the online edition of MIRCIM is Medycyna Praktyczna sp. j. (MP), ul. Rejtana 2, Kraków, Poland, NIP 679 0044689.
  6. The provider of the MIRCIM mobile application is Mobile Madness sp. z o. o. (Mobile Madness), ul. Jana Twardowskiego 3/35, 35-302 Rzeszów, Poland, KRS 0000709762, NIP 8133765846.
  7. The provider of the PayU payment system is PayU s.a. (PayU), ul. Grunwaldzka 186, 60-166 Poznań, Poland, Court Register KRS 0000274399, NIP 7792308495, a national payment institution supervised by the Polish Financial Supervision Authority entered in the Payment Services Register under the number IP1/2012.
  8. The scientific partners of MIRCIM are:
    1. Jagiellonian University Medical College, ul. Św. Anny 12, 31-008 Kraków, Poland;
    2. European Federation of Internal Medicine, Grensstraat, 7, 1831 Diegem (Brussels), Belgium;
    3. International Society of Internal Medicine;
    4. Centre of Postgraduate Medical Education, ul. Marymoncka 99/103, 01-813 Warszawa, Poland.
  9. Participants (Participant(s)) are individuals eligible for participation in MIRCIM, that is:
    1. persons qualified to prescribe medicinal products and persons trading in medicinal products within the meaning of Art. 52.2.6 of the Polish Act of 6 September 2001 Pharmaceutical Law;
    2. other health-care professionals working within the subject matter of MIRCIM and medical students;
  10. The Terms apply to all participants (Participant(s)) of MIRCIM and are made available to the public on www.mircim.eu.
  11. The scientific and didactic sessions organized as part of MIRCIM and the exhibit hall for medical and pharmaceutical companies shall be made available exclusively for the Participants referred to in paragraph 1.9 of the Terms.
  12. MIRCIM takes place onsite in the ICE Kraków Congress Centre and in the Conference Centre of the Faculty of Medicine, Jagiellonian University, and online on the educational platform provided by MP: www.mircim.eu.

Paragraph 2. Participation and Cancellation Terms

  1. Participation in MIRCIM is paid. The offer and prices are described on the MIRCIM website.
  2. Participation in MIRCIM requires registration of the Participant’s user account through the form available at https://www.mp.pl/konto/rejestracja/krok-1?lng=en.
  3. After signing in with the login credentials provided during registration, Participants shall have access to MIRCIM live streaming and recorded lectures via the virtual platform hosted at www.mircim.eu.
  4. In-person participation includes:
    1. all sessions on Day 2 and Day 3 of MIRCIM held in the ICE Congress Centre (Kraków, Poland);
    2. complimentary access to live streaming on the dedicated virtual platform;
    3. on-demand access to video recordings from the course on the virtual platform for 12 months;
    4. in-person networking opportunities with peers and faculty;
    5. on-site exhibits;
    6. access to posters from the Best Case Report Contest in the exhibit hall;
    7. course materials (PDF);
    8. refreshments and lunch;
    9. certificate of attendance;
    10. McMaster Textbook of Internal Medicine website and app access for 12 months;
    11. possibility to attend sessions on Day 1 of MIRCIM held in the Conference Centre Faculty of Medicine (Kraków, Poland) for free upon registration (limited number of tickets available):
      • Clinical Cases in Internal Medicine: Learning Through Practice;
      • Medical Education Forum.
  5. Virtual participation includes:
    1. live stream access to all sessions on Day 1, Day 2 and Day 3 of MIRCIM on the dedicated virtual platform;
    2. on-demand access to video recordings from the course on the virtual platform;
    3. virtual networking opportunities with peers and faculty via the MIRCIM app;
    4. access to abstracts and posters from the Best Case Report Contest on the virtual platform;
    5. course materials (PDF);
    6. certificate of attendance;
    7. McMaster Textbook of Internal Medicine website and app access for 12 months.
  6. Participants shall be provided with 12-month free access to the McMaster Textbook of Internal Medicine (and McMaster Textbook mobile apps). Within 30 days of MIRCIM, Participants shall be able to use their MIRCIM user account credentials to sign in to the McMaster Textbook.
  7. Access to MIRCIM live streaming shall be provided through the virtual platform. Participants will need to log in to the virtual platform using their login credentials provided during registration.
  8. Participants can receive educational credits for participation in MIRCIM under the rules established by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (UEMS/EACCME). The condition for receiving the certificate and EACCME credits is the purchase of and participation in MIRCIM (in-person or virtual) as well as submission of a filled-in evaluation questionnaire within 18 business days of the first day of MIRCIM; the questionnaire shall be made available on the MIRCIM website. The maximum number of credits that can be awarded for participation in MIRCIM will be determined by a separate EACCME resolution and will be announced on the MIRCIM website.
  9. Participants may withdraw their participation. Cancellations can be made prior to Day 1 of MIRCIM and should be reported in writing to registration@mircim.eu.
  10. The following shall apply to withdrawal of paid participation:
    1. if PIEBM receives a declaration of withdrawal from the Participant after April 20, the Participant shall receive a partial refund of 80% of the paid participation fee;
    2. PIEBM shall have 30 days to refund the payment once the Participant has met all the requirements for submitting the withdrawal to the address registration@mircim.eu;
    3. the refund will be made to the original payer and with the same method of payment used for purchase.
  11. The Participant is obliged to participate in MIRCIM in a way that does not hinder or interfere with the conduct of MIRCIM. The Participant must not undertake any actions that (a) are against the provisions of generally applicable law or good practice, (b) are in violation of other Participants’ rights of publicity, or (c) violate the legitimate interests of organizers or other Participants.
  12. To maintain safety, Participants are asked to comply with the health and safety rules and regulations.
  13. The organizers reserve the right to modify the MIRCIM program at any time. Program changes are not acceptable grounds for requesting a refund.
  14. Participants agree to receive information about MIRCIM via email.

Paragraph 3. Payment Terms

  1. The Participant may choose one of the following payment methods:
    1. bank transfer to the MP-Sz bank account at BNP Paribas Bank Polska PL 06 1600 1039 0002 0035 0595 3001; for: “MIRCIM”, quoting the following information:
      • for payments made by natural persons (confirmed by issuing a personal invoice): name and surname, address;
      • for payments made by entrepreneurs (e.g., medical practice firm): full company name of the entrepreneur, address, tax identification number;
      • for payments made by a company for a third party: full business name of the company, address, tax identification number, and name and surname of the person for whom the fee is paid.
    2. online transfer via the PayU platform.
  2. MP-Sz shall issue invoices for the payments made. Invoices shall be sent by email in PDF to the email address provided during the purchase.
  3. The payer (invoice addressee) is the entity ordering individual services related to participation in MIRCIM. Issued invoices can be corrected only in justified cases.
  4. If the Participant fails to pay the participation fee by the date specified on the MIRCIM website, MP-Sz shall be entitled to cancel the Participant’s registration.

Paragraph 4. Complaints

  1. Complaints can be submitted in writing to the following address: registration@mircim.eu.
  2. Participants may submit their complaints no later than 14 business days from the final day of MIRCIM.
  3. Complaints will not be considered if submitted after the above-mentioned deadline.

Paragraph 5. Personal Data

  1. MP-Sz is the controller (Data Controller) of the personal data provided during the purchase process by Participants and entities placing the order. Personal data of the Participants will be processed under the conditions set out in the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (OJ L 119, 4.5.2016, p. 1-88 of the GDPR), Polish regulations adopted to enable the application of GDPR, other applicable legal provisions, and regulations. The Data Controller does not sell the collected personal data of Participants to other persons or institutions. Personal data provided by Participants are treated as confidential information and are used only for the purposes indicated in the Information Clause of the registration form for the participation in MIRCIM.
  2. Following the terms outlined in a separate agreement, MP-Sz shall entrust MP with the personal data of Participants to confirm their participation in a particular edition of MIRCIM and to provide the information necessary to award EACCME credits. The entrusted data shall include the name, surname, email address, and telephone number of the Participant.
  3. Following the terms outlined in a separate agreement, MP-Sz shall entrust the provider of MIRCIM mobile application – Mobile Madness – with the personal data of Participants in order to grant the Participants access to the application.
  4. The scope of entrusted data shall include first name, surname, and email address.
  5. If the Participant selects payment via the PayU system, their personal data, to the extent necessary for the payment, shall be made available to PayU, which shall act as a separate data controller.
  6. Participants may be photographed or captured on video by the organizers or their partners capturing MIRCIM. Some of these photographs and videos may be displayed on the MIRCIM website and associated social media profiles. Participants grant the organizers the right to record and use free of charge their image, voice, and name in photographs and videos in which they appear for promotional purposes.

Paragraph 6. Technical Requirements

Virtual participation in MIRCIM requires the following:

  1. a device such as a computer (desktop, laptop), smartphone, or tablet with Internet access and a recommended bandwidth of at least 2 Mbps;
  2. an updated operating system;
  3. current versions (as of the date of participation in MIRCIM) of such Internet browsers as Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, or Safari;
  4. enabled audio/video functions and enabled mechanisms for recording browsing activity (cookies).

Paragraph 7. Liability

MP-Sz shall not be held responsible if:

  1. the Participant provides incorrect data;
  2. the Participant fails to meet the technical requirements necessary to participate in MIRCIM;
  3. the Participant suffers losses and lost profits due to the following: providing incorrect data by the person who made the purchase; acts or omissions of third parties beyond the control of MP-Sz; change of the MIRCIM date or its cancellation due to force majeure such as natural disasters (fire, storms, floods), governmental or societal actions (war, invasion, civil unrest, labor strikes), and infrastructure failures (transportation, energy).

Paragraph 8. Intellectual Property

  1. The title and program of MIRCIM, including the website, layout, logotypes, graphics, photographs, audio/video files, and presentations used in connection with MIRCIM as well as presentations from the Best Case Report Contest are the property of PIEBM, McMaster University, MP, and MP-Sz and are legally protected.
  2. The above-specified brands and materials may not be used without a written consent of the entity or person who is the owner. Reproducing training materials, recording MIRCIM lectures, as well as sharing such materials and recordings is illegal and is subject to protection under the Polish Act of 4 February 1994 on Copyright and Related Rights.

Paragraph 9. Miscellaneous

  1. If MIRCIM has to be cancelled for reasons attributable solely to PIEBM, MP-Sz shall immediately refund the fees paid by Participants, to the Participants’ bank accounts using the data provided during registration.
  2. Any disputes arising in connection with participation in MIRCIM shall be resolved as follows:
    1. for Participants who are natural persons (consumers) – by the competent court under the provisions of the Polish Act of 17 November 1964, Code of Civil Procedure (consolidated text: Journal of Laws of 2014, item 101, as amended);
    2. for Participants who are not consumers – by the court competent for the seat of MP-Sz.
  3. By logging in to the MIRCIM website, the Participant accepts the provisions of these Terms and agrees to comply with the regulations made between the Participant and PIEBM, MP, or MP-Sz (for details visit https://empendium.com/mcmtextbook/about/order-regulations).
  4. In matters not covered by these Terms, appropriate provisions of law shall apply.
  5. These Terms become effective as of October 29, 2023.