Prof. Pratik Choudhary

University of Leicester, UK
Professor/ Hon Consultant in Diabetes
Diabetes Research Centre
University of Leicester

Prof. Pratik Choudhary is Professor and Honorary consultant in Diabetes with a special interest in type 1 diabetes and technology. He has active clinical and research programs around education, psychology and technology in type 1 diabetes. In particular, his research uses neuroimaging to explore the mechanisms of hypoglycaemia unawareness, and the use of different strategies such as technology and behavioral interventions to restore awareness. He has been involved in a number of national and international research studies, as well as a number of national and international training and education programs for diabetes.

He is currently chair of the Diabetes Technology Network-UK, working to improve access to technology for diabetes through training, education and advocacy. He is also medical advisor to the Department of Transport, associate editor for Diabetic Medicine, Midlands Type 1 Diabetes Clinical Lead and member of the EASD Post Graduate education committee.

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