Prof. Stephen Russell

University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA

Doctor Stephen W. Russell, Professor of Internal Medicine and Pediatrics in the United States, has spent a career in the clinics and classrooms of medicine. As a primary care physician, he has provided a medical home for multi-generational families. As an educator, he has taught trainees best practices of data-driven physical exam skills. Indeed, his passion for listening, looking, and learning from patients and students has led to numerous publications, novel teaching methods (including a Harvard-Macy Fellowship in museum-based medical education), and new partnerships with likeminded clinicians (such as in the Society of Bedside Medicine).
Doctor Russell’s teaching focuses on workplace-based assessments of post graduate medical learners (using the novel teaching technique of the 10 Minute Moment) and patient-centered teaching of bedside clinical skills (including the 5 Minute Moment of the Society of Bedside Medicine) plus integrating teaching techniques into the flow of clinical care.

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