
“This is an outstanding book that I hope will become known as a celebration of and practical guide to the CXR.”

“This is an authoritative exposition of the art of chest radiography.”

BMA Reviewer

“DISCOVER RADIOLOGY: CHEST X-RAY INTERPRETATION is patient-centered, problem-oriented, and vividly visual. This book will accelerate mastery of the chest radiograph, refine differential diagnoses, improve diagnostic accuracy, and hasten appropriate further tests or treatments. Thus, this text has the potential to improve patient care. It is ‘a must-read’, and with anticipation, I look forward to others in this series."

Dr. Deborah Cook

"The authors have compiled a large-format, lavishly illustrated, comprehensive overview of chest radiography. This book supports the Alliance of Medical Student Educators in Radiology comprehensive curriculum in radiology for medical students. As a result, this work covers all aspects of chest radiography, including image acquisition; structured image review; radiologic anatomy and pathology; appearance of tubes, lines, and devices; structured reporting; and appropriateness. A book with this coverage demands bulk, which is provided by approximately 900 pages. An introduction to the book gives a useful overview. The chapters are divided into 3 sections (basics, radiologic anatomy and pathology, applying the interpretive process), providing a framework for the large amount of information presented. Succinct lists of useful references are provided at the end of each of the 22 chapters to facilitate ongoing learning. Readers benefit from the authors' association with the Center for Radiological Anatomy, St Joseph's Healthcare (Hamilton, ON). The impact of feedback from students at McMaster University is evident and acknowledged by the authors. Printed radiographic image quality is good. However, this reviewer speculates that it would be improved by an online version of the manuscript.

In summary, this reviewer recommends this book as an essential read for junior radiology residents and a useful reference for medical residents, surgical residents, and senior medical students."

John Robert Mayo MD, Nada Sulaiman MD, Canadian Association of Radiologists Journal, Copyright © 2015

"Hospital physicians are routinely called upon to read interpret chest x-ray, and initiated therapy based on their interpretation, before the films are officially reported. Experience is a great teacher but to fully appreciate the abnormalities present on the film requires a deep understanding of the grayscale anatomy of the normal chest x-ray. For physicians who have not had radiological residency training this knowledge has been difficult to obtain. Discover Radiology: Chest X-ray Interpretation is well crafted book that superbly meets this important need.

The book builds on the discussion of normal grayscale anatomy to a thorough presentation and interpretation of radiological pathology.

Throughout the book particular attention is given the manner in which an experienced radiologist approaches the reading of the x-ray image.

Non radiologists who spend time with this book will without doubt experience a major upgrade in their ability to interpret chest x-rays".

Dr. James Gibson, Associate Clinical Professor, Division of General Internal Medicine, Department of Medicine McMaster University

”DISCOVER RADIOLOGY: CHEST X-RAY INTERPRETATION, is written by a multidisciplinary group of authors. Their intention, as stated in the foreword, is; ”to provide a solid foundation for the beginner, refine the skills of the seasoned clinician, and serve as a crucial resource for clinical teachers”. I think they manage this task very well, at least from my perspective as a beginner. As a resident in Linköping, Sweden, I also teach medical students, and I think this book could serve as a great resource in teaching situations as well.

”DISCOVER RADIOLOGY: CHEST X-RAY INTERPRETATION has a well thought-out structure and is easily navigated. Quality pictures and colorful graphics complemented with carefully chosen pieces of text information, gives the book a light feel despite its thickness. I think the authors have really made the effort to make the reading as digestible and motivating as possible.

The authors also state that there is a discrepancy between the expectations on the unexperienced doctors’ x -ray interpretation skills and the limited room for radiology in the medical school curriculum. As a result, AMSER (The alliance of Medical Student Educators in Radiology) have published a curriculum in radiology for medical students. The key elements from the curriculum are identified and highlighted in the book and are indicated in the margin with AMSER. In this way, the medical student can easily find and fulfil the curriculum mandates throughout the book.

”DISCOVER RADIOLOGY: CHEST X-RAY INTERPRETATION together with the AMSER curriculum, provide the medical students with a prior neglected piece of essential knowledge. The students will stand better prepared for the clinical reality where basic x-ray knowledge and interpretation will be an inevitable part for most clinicians.

Here follows a few examples of many effective learning techniques used in this book. Every chapter starts with a short introduction where the purpose and importance of the following reading is explained. The objectives of the specific chapter are then listed together with a list of which AMSER curriculum content that will be fulfilled. Also, in the beginning of each chapter, there is a clinical situation presented that relates to the following contents. Consistently throughout the book, key concepts are introduced with the use of explanatory sketched images in a very pedagogical way. The concepts are then applied to clinical situations and authentic x-ray images. This enhances the readers´ motivation and makes the book very vivid.

Summary. As stated in the preface, radiology is a rapidly increasing and essential part of medicine. Key concepts in radiology and chest x-ray interpretation are brilliantly explained in this book which I think every future clinician can benefit from. I think the book is perfect for radiology residents and radiology teachers in this field. For medical students, I think it might be a bit hefty to read the entire book. However, thanks to smart features like the highlighting of AMSER curriculum mandates, you can make very good use of the book without reading everything.

If you want to learn or teach chest x-ray interpretation, I can´t imagine a better place to start than this pedagogical and comprehensive book."

Martin Hägg, radiology resident, Linköping, Sweden