Remember MIRCIM 2016?

MIRCIM 2016 Presentations more

MIRCIM 2016 Interviews more

  • Interview with Professor Akbar Panju, MIRCIM co-chair
    Prof. Akbar Panju, MIRCIM co-chair, Professor of Medicine and Division Director of General Internal Medicine at McMaster University, talks about the development of MIRCIM in Kraków as an international version of the hugely successful McMaster University Review Course in Internal Medicine in Hamilton, Canada.
  • Remember MIRCIM 2016?
    Take a look back at the sights and sounds of MIRCIM 2016. The course took place in Kraków, Poland, on May 6 and 7. It was attended by over 500 participants who came from 29 countries. Our lecturers delivered 33 presentations. In the overall satisfaction survey, MIRCIM 2016 received 4.6 out of 5 points. See for yourself how it went!