
Best Case Report Contest 2019

A. Who can participate

Internists up to 35 years of age representing national societies of internal medicine or other institutions who are the official partners of the 5th McMaster International Review Course in Internal Medicine (MIRCIM). Each partner can endorse up to 10 case reports for the contest. Reports are selected by the partner (for instance, through internal qualification).

B. Criteria for submission

1. Only original case reports previously unpublished and not under consideration for publication elsewhere endorsed by a MIRCIM partner may be submitted.

2. Case reports should describe an original observation concerning diagnosis, treatment or both. They should fit into one of the following categories:

  • Rare conditions.
  • Unusual presentation or complications of a relatively common condition.
  • A difficult road to diagnosis.
  • Cases of high educational value for other reasons.

C. Stages

Stage 1: Submission of case reports

1. Case reports should be sent by email to MIRCIM secretariat ( with a subject “BCRC 2019”. They should include an abstract, a full text and a poster. See below for detailed instructions.

2. Submissions must be made before March 1, 2019.

3. The submitted case report must be accompanied by the following documents:

  • PDF of the submission form signed by the presenting author.
  • A letter from a MIRCIM partner confirming endorsement of the case report.

Stage 2: Review and selection by the jury

Selected members of the jury, chosen by the MIRCIM Scientific Committee, will be responsible for:

  • Reviewing all submitted case reports and approving the reports meeting all required criteria.
  • Selecting 20 best case reports for stage 3.

Authors of the approved submissions will be contacted by March 10, 2019. Authors will be requested to register for MIRCIM by March 31 and eligible for a reduced fee. Please note that the organizers do not cover any expenses incurred on the part of participants.

Stage 3: Oral presentation

Authors of the submissions qualified for oral presentation will be notified by March 31. Authors will present their case reports at the conference Clinical Cases in Internal Medicine: Learning Through Practice, which will take place on May 9, 2019.

A single presentation should not exceed 6 minutes, with the number of slides adjusted accordingly. See below for detailed instructions on oral presentations. All presentations must be sent to MIRCIM secretariat before April 16.

After the conference the jury will award the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place through voting. The results will be announced at the award ceremony on May 11 at 15:10 in the ICE Congress Centre. All authors are required to attend the ceremony.

The oral presentations will be recorded and published on the MIRCIM website ( after the conference.

Stage 4: Poster session

All accepted case reports (including those qualified for oral presentation) will be presented as paper posters on May 10 and 11 in the ICE Congress Centre. Posters will be printed and mounted at the expense of the organizers. Authors are requested to be present by their posters at indicated times on May 10 and 11. Members of the jury will select 3 best posters.

D. Jury

1. Experts chosen by the MIRCIM Scientific Committee.
2. Experts delegated by MIRCIM partners participating in the contest.
3. Chair: Prof. Mark Crowther, MD, MSc, FRCPC, Chair of the Department of Medicine, McMaster University, Canada.

E. Awards

Abstracts will be published in the conference proceedings in the Polish Archives of Internal Medicine (

Main awards (oral presentation)

Award 1st place 2nd place 3rd place
DiplomaYes YesYes
Publication in the Polish Archives of Internal Medicine (IF 2.658) Yes Yes Yes
Free attendance at MIRCIM 2020 YesYesYes
Free accommodation (up to 3 days) in Kraków at MIRCIM 2020 YesYes 
Free attendance at ECIM 2019Yes Yes Yes
1-month observership* in the Department of Medicine at McMaster University (Hamilton, Canada) Yes      

* The winner has to meet the required criteria for observership, including certification as specialist in internal medicine.
* Please note the application fee is not applicable to the winner of BCRC.


Authors of the 3 best posters will be awarded a diploma and free attendance at MIRCIM 2020

F. Guidelines on preparing case reports (abstract, full text, poster)

Medical jargon should not be used. The number of abbreviations should be limited with preference for those commonly used. Abbreviations should be spelled out the first time they are mentioned, except from those commonly recognized (eg, ECG).
Abstracts and full-text case reports should be submitted as a Word file (PDF and other formats are not allowed). Times New Roman 12-point font should be used. Figures should be submitted in high resolution as separate files. Preferred formats are either TIFF or EPS.
Photographs should have a resolution of at least 300 dpi.

Suggested structure of a case report

1. Title (short, informative).
2. Author names (presenting author listed as the first author).
3. Institutional affiliations.
4. First author’s corresponding email address.
5. Introduction (relevance and importance of the case).
6. Case description:    
   a) Clinical situation.
   b) Course of events.
   c) Clinical resolution.
7. Discussion.
8. Lessons to be learned from the case.

Suggested reading on writing case reports:

Abstract (published in the conference proceedings)

1. Structure: see above.
2. Number of authors: up to 3.
3. Length: up to 500 words.
4. Number of keywords: up to 5.
5. References: none.
6. Figures/tables: none allowed.

Full-text case report (assessed by jurors to qualify for oral presentation)

1. Structure: see above.
2. Number of authors: up to 3.
3. Length: up to 1500 words.
4. Abstract: required, up to 150 words.
5. Number of keywords: up to 5.
6. References: up to 8.
7. Figures/tables: up to 3 figures and 1 table.


1. Structure: see above.
2. Portrait orientation, A0 size: 841 mm (width) x 1189 mm (height)
3. Font size should allow for reading from 2–3 meters.

Submissions that do not meet the above guidelines will be returned for revision.

G. Guidelines on preparing oral presentation

1. Slide format: 4:3 aspect ratio and 1024 × 768 minimum resolution.
2. Presentations will be played on a computer running Windows 10 and PowerPoint 2016.
3. Presentations must be saved as a PowerPoint PPTX file.
4. Use standard Windows fonts only (avoid non-standard and language-specific fonts).
5. Minimum resolution of embedded images: 300 dpi.
6. Accepted video formats: MP4 (preferred), WMV, AVI.
7. Presentations created on Apple computers should be tested on a Windows computer, preferably running Windows 10, before they are submitted.
8. Private computers may not be used for running presentations.

Submission form (interactive PDF)