Muhammad Rafiqul Alam
President, Association of Physicians of Bangladesh
David O. Arnar
President, Icelandic Society of Internal Medicine
Maja Artandi
Co-President, Society of Bedside Medicine
Omar T. Atiq
President, American College of Physicians
Freek Bester
President, Faculty of Consulting Physicians of South Africa
Ion Bruckner
President, Romanian Society of Internal Medicine
Richard Češka
President, Czech Society of Internal Medicine
Sarah Clarke
President, Royal College of Physicians London
Francesco Dentali
President, Italian Scientific Society of Internal Medicine FADOI
Jan Duława
President, Polish Society of Internal Medicine
Andrew Elder
President, Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh
Avishai Ellis
President, Israel Society of Internal Medicine
Annelise Goecke Sariego
President, Chilean Society of Internal Medicine
Tomasz Grodzicki
Vice-rector, Jagiellonian University Medical College
Takács István
President, Hungarian Society of Internal Medicine
Ivica Lazúrová
President, Slovak Society of Internal Medicine
Dragan Lović
President, Serbian Association of Internal Medicine
Aleksandar Manolev
President, Macedonian Association of Internal Medicine
Kirsten McCaffery
International Shared Decision Making Society
Elie M. Moubarak
President, Lebanese Society of Internal Medicine
Luc Mouthon
President, French Society of Internal Medicine
Andreas Neubauer
President, German Society of Internal Medicine
Diarmuid O'Shea
President, Royal College of Physicians of Ireland
Robin Peeters
President, Dutch Society of Internal Medicine
Jacek Popiel
Rector, Jagiellonian University
Alexander Rosenkranz
President, Austrian Society of Internal Medicine
Stephen W. Russell
Co-President, Society of Bedside Medicine
Lelita Santos
President, Portuguese Society of Internal Medicine
Christine Sävervall
President, Swedish Society of Internal Medicine
Giorgio Sesti
President, Italian Society of Internal Medicine
Steven Shadowitz
President, Canadian Society of Internal Medicine
Inga Stukena
President, Latvian Society of Internal Medicine
Kai Sukles
President, Estonian Society of Internal Medicine
Nikolaos Tentolouris
President, Hellenic Society of Internal Medicine
Kee Yi Shern Terence
President, College of Physicians, Singapore
Péter Torzsa
President, Hungarian Research Organization of Family Physicians
Serhat Ünal
President, Turkish Society of Internal Medicine
Leonas Valius
President, Lithuanian College of Family Physicians
Frédéric Vandergheynst
President, Belgian Society of Internal Medicine
Trond Vartdal
President, Norwegian Society of Internal Medicine
Chul Woo Yang
President, Korean Association of Internal Medicine