Terms and Conditions

General Terms and Conditions of Contracts with Medycyna Praktyczna and Medycyna Praktyczna – Szkolenia

The Terms and Conditions were developed on the basis of Article 8 (1) (1) of the Polish Act of 18 July 2002 on the provision of services by electronic means (consolidated text: Polish Journal of Laws of 2013, item 1422, as amended; hereinafter “Act on Electronic Services”). The document is provided free of charge to enable access to its provisions before conclusion of a contract. The document is also available as a PDF file, which can be downloaded, saved, and printed out.

General Terms and Conditions for the Conclusion of Contracts with Medycyna Praktyczna and Medycyna Praktyczna-Szkolenia

1. General Provisions

1. 1. Definitions

1.1.1. “Medycyna Praktyczna” – company operating under the business name “Medycyna Praktyczna” Wojciech Bodzoń, Piotr Gajewski, Jarosław Kużdżał, Wiesław Latuszek-Łukasiewicz, Bernard Wirkijowski spółka jawna, with its registered office at ul. Rejtana 2, 30-510 Kraków, entered in the Register of Entrepreneurs maintained by the District Court of Kraków-Śródmieście in Kraków, XI Commercial Division of the National Court Register (KRS), entry number 0 000 896 685, tax ID (NIP) 679-004-46-89, business ID (REGON) 350 023 040, operator of a publishing house and an online bookshop available at www.mp.pl/ksiegarnia.

1.1.2. “Medycyna Praktyczna – Szkolenia” – Wojciech Bodzoń, Małgorzata Gajewska, Jarosław Kużdżał, and Wiesław Latuszek-Łukasiewicz, entered in the Central Registration and Information on Business, running business activity under the business name Medycyna Praktyczna – Szkolenia s. c., with its registered office at ul. Rejtana 2, 30-510 Kraków, tax ID (NIP) 676-17-73-121, business ID (REGON) 351 224 905, operating at www.szkolenia.mp.pl

1.1.3. “Customer” – a natural person, legal person, or an organizational unit without legal personality that concludes a contract with Medycyna Praktyczna or Medycyna Praktyczna – Szkolenia, including a Consumer.

1.1.4. “Consumer” – a Customer who is a natural person and concludes a contract with Medycyna Praktyczna or Medycyna Praktyczna – Szkolenia not directly related to their business or professional activity (consumer as defined by Art. 221 of the Polish Civil Code of 23 April 1964; consolidated text: Polish Journal of Laws of 2014, item 121 as amended; hereinafter “Civil Code”).

1.1.5. “Subscription” – involves the ordering of and paying for consecutive issues of journals published by Medycyna Praktyczna in a printed or electronic version for at least 12 (twelve) months (eg, 6 [six] issues of a bimonthly, 12 [twelve] issues of a monthly).

1.1.6. “Subscriber” – a Customer who has ordered a Subscription and is the recipient of the ordered journals. The Subscriber status is granted upon ordering and paying for the Subscription. The Subscriber status expires when Medycyna Praktyczna has completed the shipment of all ordered issues of journals.

1.1.7. “Licenses” – free of charge or paid licenses for the use of publication contents in the electronic version as well as licenses for the use of computer software and its modules, granted to Customers by Medycyna Praktyczna for a specified period.

1.1.8. “Digital Content” – data produced and provided in a digital form.

1.1.9. “Training” – courses, conferences, training courses, workshops, symposia, and other similar events organized or co-organized by Medycyna Praktyczna – Szkolenia, involving, in particular, registration of participants, exchange of correspondence, development of training materials, delivery of content, provision of a suitable space, and other activities specified at www.szkolenia.mp.pl and in the participant’s bulletin.

1.1.10. “Business Days” – days of the week from Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays.

1. 2. Scope

These General Terms and Conditions outline the type, scope, and principles of electronic service provision by Medycyna Praktyczna and Medycyna Praktyczna – Szkolenia, including, in particular, the terms of contracts for the purchase of movable items (“Products”), contracts for the provision of services (“Services”), and contracts for other performances (“Other Performances”) concluded between Customers and Medycyna Praktyczna or Medycyna Praktyczna – Szkolenia (“Contracts”), the subject matter of which is:

  1. the sale of Products (including publications, journals, books, Digital Content stored on a physical medium);
  2. provision of Services for the production of customized print (eg, prescriptions);
  3. provision of Services pertaining to Training organization;
  4. issuing Licenses;
  5. provision of Digital Content that is not stored on a physical medium.
Contracts for the provision of Services pertaining to Training organization are concluded by Customers exclusively with Medycyna Praktyczna – Szkolenia and in this respect the provisions of the General Terms and Conditions refer to Medycyna Praktyczna – Szkolenia.

1.3. Communication with Medycyna Praktyczna and Medycyna Praktyczna – Szkolenia, including for the purpose of placing orders for:

  1. Products, Services, and Other Performances, subject to point 1.3. b) to d):
    • by email at zamowienia@mp.pl;
    • by phone at +48 12 293 40 80 (call cost as per the Customer operator's tariff), 800 888 000 (free helpline for landline phones);
    • in person at the points of sale:
      Kraków, ul. Gazowa 14 A, Monday–Friday, 8 am–4 pm;
      Cholerzyn 445, 32-060 Liszki, Monday–Friday, 8 am–6 pm;
  2. Customized print:
  3. Training organization:
    • by email at szkolenia@mp.pl;
    • by phone at +48 12 293 40 04 (call cost as per the Customer operator's tariff);
  4. Medical rescue Training organization:
    • by email at ratownictwo@mp.pl;
    • by phone at +48 12 293 40 40 (call cost as per the Customer operator's tariff).

2. Order Placement

2.1. Contracts with Medycyna Praktyczna and Medycyna Praktyczna – Szkolenia can be concluded by Customers placing orders:

  1. via the Internet (detailed information about products, Services, and Other Performances, including their prices, is available on the relevant subpages at www.mp.pl/ksiegarnia and www.szkolenia.mp.pl (“Offer Pages”);
  2. by phone (prior to placing an order, the Customer receives detailed information about Products, Services, and Other Performances, including their prices, from an authorized employee of Medycyna Praktyczna or Medycyna Praktyczna - Szkolenia over the phone);
  3. by phone (prior to placing an order, the Customer receives detailed information about Products, Services, and Other Performances, including their prices, from an authorized employee of Medycyna Praktyczna or Medycyna Praktyczna – Szkolenia over the phone; after order placement, an authorized employee of Medycyna Praktyczna or Medycyna Praktyczna – Szkolenia confirms the terms and conditions of the order by email sent to the address provided by the Customer);
  4. by fax at +48 12 293 40 10;
  5. in person.

2.2. Orders are placed via the Internet, over the phone, or in person at the addresses and numbers specified in paragraph 1.3 of the General Terms and Conditions. The Customer must not submit content that is unlawful. In the event that Medycyna Praktyczna or Medycyna Praktyczna – Szkolenia receives an official notice or reliable information regarding unlawfulness of the data stored thereby that have been provided by the Customer, it may prevent access to such data.

2.3. Orders can be placed via the Internet provided that:

  1. the Customer has an active email account;
  2. the Customer uses a device with a data communication system running the latest version of one of the following browsers with enabled Java Script and cookies: Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, or Mozilla Firefox. Medycyna Praktyczna and Medycyna Praktyczna – Szkolenia do not guarantee the possibility to place orders with older versions of those browsers or with other browsers.

2.4. The Contract is concluded at the time of order placement by the Customer.

2.5. When placing an order, the Customer should:

  1. select the Product, Service, or Other Performance;
  2. complete the registration form – for a Contract for Services pertaining to Training organization;
  3. specify the address for delivery and the address that should be stated in the invoice (the delivery address may differ from that stated in the invoice);
  4. choose payment method.

2.6. A VAT invoice is issued for each order. a) Data included in the invoice can be changed within up to one month after the end of the conference.

3. Changes to Orders

3.1. Changes to orders can be communicated via the Internet, by phone, or in person at the addresses and numbers given in point 1.3; however, they should be reported prior to initiation of order processing.

3.2. Changes to orders are implemented following verification of the Customer as the ordering party.

4. Prices of Products, Services, and Other Performances

4.1. Unless otherwise stated, prices for Products, Services, and Other Performances are provided in PLN (Polish złoty) and include statutory VAT. For Subscriptions, the total price for all payments in the billing period is indicated. The prices do not include delivery costs, which are provided separately.

4.2. The price indicated for a Product, Service, or Other Performance on an Offer Page is binding at the time of order placement by the Customer.

4.3. Current Subscribers to journals published by Medycyna Praktyczna may receive discounts on the purchase of certain Products, Services, and Other Performances. Discounts are indicated on the respective Offer Pages.

4.4. Each Subscription authorizes the Subscriber to purchase a single copy of a particular Product, Service, or Other Performance at a special price.

4.5. The offer for students is valid for undergraduates of medical programs.

4.6. The offer for interns is valid for physicians or dentists undergoing a postgraduate internship.

4.7. The Customer shall lose the right to purchase Products, Services, or Other Performances at a special price if they no longer meet the requirements for special offers. The Customer shall be obliged to pay the difference between the price of the Product, Service, or Other Performance before the discount and the special price.

4.8. Medycyna Praktyczna and Medycyna Praktyczna – Szkolenia reserve the right to change the prices of offered Products, Services, or Other Performances; add new Products, Services, or Other Performances to the offer; carry out and cancel promotions or change conditions of the same. This right does not affect the prices of Products, Services, and Other Performances included in orders placed prior to the effective date of the changes.

5. Methods of Payment

5.1. The Customer can choose from among the following methods of payment for the ordered Products, Services, and Other Performances:

  1. cash payment upon order delivery by the Polish Postal Services or courier service;
  2. electronic money transfer, bank transfer, or credit card;
  3. cash payment at points of sale indicated in point 1.3. a) hereof.

5.2. Medycyna Praktyczna and Medycyna Praktyczna – Szkolenia reserve the right to exclude cash payment upon delivery in the case of a Customer who does not collect two consecutive orders paid in cash upon delivery. After deactivating this payment method, the Customer can use the other payment methods. The Customer reobtains the possibility of cash payment upon delivery after placement and receipt of a subsequent order paid for using another payment method.

5.3. Medycyna Praktyczna and Medycyna Praktyczna – Szkolenia do not guarantee continuous availability of all the payment methods listed above.

5.4. Medycyna Praktyczna and Medycyna Praktyczna – Szkolenia are entitled to demand prepayment for selected Products, Services, or Other Performances from Customers other than Consumers.

5.5. By concluding a sales Contract with Medycyna Praktyczna and Medycyna Praktyczna – Szkolenia and by accepting the General Terms and Conditions, the Customer agrees that the Store shall issue and deliver invoices in an electronic form, in accordance with Art. 106n para. 1 of the Polish Act of 11 March 2004 on Tax on Goods and Services (Polish Journal of Laws of 2004, No. 54, item 535, as amended).

5.6. Irrespective of the issuance and provision of invoices by the Store in an electronic form, a paper invoice shall be issued at the Customer’s request and sent to the address specified by the Customer.

5.7. The Customer’s consent to have the invoices issued and delivered in an electronic form does not preclude the Store’s right to issue and send invoices in paper.

6. Manner, Time, and Place of Order Processing

6.1. Medycyna Praktyczna or Medycyna Praktyczna – Szkolenia starts order processing immediately after it has been placed. If the Customer chooses the payment method described in point 5.1. b) hereof, processing is started immediately upon the receipt of payment confirmation from the Customer.

6.2. Depending on the Customer’s choice, the ordered Product may be collected by the Customer at the points of sale indicated in point 1.3. a) hereof or delivered to the address specified by the Customer by a carrier (Polish Postal Services or courier service) outsourced by Medycyna Praktyczna. Medycyna Praktyczna reserves the right to exclude certain types of order processing depending on the type of the Product; the Customer will be informed about the same on the respective Offer Page during order placement.

6.3. The lead time for the sale of Products includes:

  1. time from order placing by the Customer to the moment the Product is ready for collection or shipment to the Customer (“Product Preparation Time”), and
  2. time of delivery of the Product to the Customer – if the Product is shipped to the Customer (“Product Delivery Time”).

6.4. The maximum Product Preparation Time is 3 (three) Business Days, except for Products that are yet to be manufactured or released. In such case the Product Preparation Time covers the scheduled date of production or publication of the Product.

6.5. The Product Delivery Time depends on the estimated duration of shipment by the respective carrier and is communicated to the Customer before the order is placed. The maximum Product Delivery Time is 14 (fourteen) Business Days.

6.6. Orders are delivered only in Poland.

6.7. Although not mandatory, checking the condition of the parcel and determining the nature of tampering with or damage to the packaging in the presence of a courier or an employee of the Polish Postal Services, including drawing up a damage report, will facilitate complaint handling by Medycyna Praktyczna.

6.8. The manner, date, and time of provision of Services and Other Performances will be specified on the respective Offer Page or will depend on the type and specificity of the given Service or Other Performance. The maximum lead time for customized print Services is 5 (five) Business Days.

6.9. Medycyna Praktyczna and Medycyna Praktyczna – Szkolenia fix and secure the concluded Contracts and provide the Consumers with a confirmation of their conclusion (including information referred to in Art. 12 (1) of the Polish Act of 30 May 2014 on the Rights of the Consumer [Polish Journal of Laws of 2014, item 827; “Consumer Rights Law”] and information on the Consumer’s consent to the provision of Digital Contents with the loss of the right of withdrawal from the Contract) in writing, with the delivered Product, and in the case of Contracts for Services (including customized print Services) or Other Performances – before initiating the execution of the Service or Other Performance, in an electronic form, sent to the email address specified by the Consumer.

7. Right of Withdrawal and Exclusion of the Right of Withdrawal

7.1. The right to withdraw from the Contract is reserved exclusively for Consumers.

7.2. The Consumer may withdraw from the Contract within 14 (fourteen) days without giving any reason. The withdrawal period begins:

  1. in the case of a Contract for the sale of Products – from the day on which the Consumer or a third party designated by thereby, other than the carrier, takes possession of the Product, or, in the case of a Contract for the sale of Products:
    • several Products delivered separately, in stacks, or in parts – from the date of taking possession of the last Product, batch, or part;
    • regular delivery of the Products within a fixed period of time (especially in the case of Subscription) – from the day of taking possession of the first Product (the first journal issue covered by the Subscription);
  2. in the case of other Contracts – from the date of Contract conclusion.

7.3. In order to exercise the right of withdrawal, the Consumer must inform Medycyna Praktyczna or Medycyna Praktyczna – Szkolenia about the decision to withdraw from the Contract in an unambiguous statement.

7.4. The Consumer may use the withdrawal template form attached as Appendix No. 1 to the General Terms and Conditions, but this is not obligatory.

7.5. In order to comply with the deadline for withdrawal from the Contract, it is sufficient for the Consumer to send a statement of withdrawal before expiry of the deadline for withdrawal from the Contract.

7.6. In the event of withdrawal from the Contract, Medycyna Praktyczna or Medycyna Praktyczna – Szkolenia shall reimburse the Consumer for all payments received from the same, including the costs of Product delivery (except for additional costs associated with the method of delivery chosen by the Customer, other than the cheapest standard method offered by Medycyna Praktyczna or Medycyna Praktyczna – Szkolenia), without undue delay and in any event no later than 14 (fourteen) days from the day on which Medycyna Praktyczna or Medycyna Praktyczna – Szkolenia has been informed about the Consumer’s decision to withdraw from the Contract. Medycyna Praktyczna or Medycyna Praktyczna – Szkolenia shall make reimbursements using the same payment methods as those used by the Consumer in the original transaction, unless the Consumer has expressly agreed otherwise; in any event, no fees will be charged to the Consumer in connection with this reimbursement. In the case of Contracts for the sale of Products, Medycyna Praktyczna may withhold reimbursement until the Product has been returned or a proof of return has been provided, whichever occurs earlier.

7.7. In the event of receipt of the Product under the Contract, a Consumer who withdraws from the Contract:

  1. is obliged to return or hand over the Product to Medycyna Praktyczna to the following address: Cholerzyn 445, 32-060 Liszki, Poland, immediately, and in any case no later than within 14 (fourteen) days from the day on which Medycyna Praktyczna was informed by the Consumer about withdrawal from the Contract. The deadline is met if the Consumer sends the Product back within 14 (fourteen) days;
  2. bears the direct costs of Product return;
  3. is responsible only for reduction in the value of the Product resulting from it being used in a manner other than it was necessary to establish the nature, characteristics, and function of the Product.

7.8. A Consumer who requests commencement of the Service provision process under the Contract before the expiry of the withdrawal period is obliged to:

  1. submit an unambiguous statement containing such a request to Medycyna Praktyczna or Medycyna Praktyczna – Szkolenia;
  2. in the case of withdrawal from the Contract: make a payment to Medycyna Praktyczna or Medycyna Praktyczna – Szkolenia, proportional to the scope of services provided until the Consumer informed Medycyna Praktyczna or Medycyna Praktyczna – Szkolenia about withdrawal from the Contract.

7.9. The right of withdrawal by the Consumer does not apply to Contracts:

  1. for Services if Medycyna Praktyczna or Medycyna Praktyczna – Szkolenia has provided a full Service upon explicit consent of the Consumer, who was informed, prior to the commencement of Service provision, that they would lose their right of withdrawal at the time when Medycyna Praktyczna or Medycyna Praktyczna – Szkolenia has fully provided the Service;
  2. in which the price or remuneration depends on fluctuations on the financial market, over which Medycyna Praktyczna or Medycyna Praktyczna – Szkolenia does not have any control, and which may occur before the deadline to withdraw from the Contract;
  3. in which the subject of the service is a non-prefabricated Product, manufactured according to the Consumer’s specification, or serving to satisfy the Consumer’s individual needs;
  4. the subject of which are Products that remain inseparably connected with other Products after delivery, due to their nature;
  5. the subject of which are audio or video recordings or computer software (in particular CD and DVD media) supplied in a sealed packaging (in particular foiled packages) if the packaging has been opened after delivery;
  6. for the supply of daily newspapers, periodicals, or journals, with the exception of Subscription Contracts; in that case, the Consumer who withdraws from the Contract must pay for the issues received up to the date on which they informed Medycyna Praktyczna about withdrawal from the Contract;
  7. for the provision of Digital Content that is not stored on a physical medium if service provision has commenced, after the express consent of the Consumer, before the expiry of the deadline for withdrawal from the Contract and after Medycyna Praktyczna has informed the Consumer on the loss of the right of withdrawal.

7.10. In the case of Contracts for Services in the field of Training organization, the Customer may resign from participation in the Training at no cost provided that the resignation statement is sent to the Medycyna Praktyczna – Szkolenia at least one month before the beginning of the Training.

8. Complaints

8.1. Medycyna Praktyczna is obliged to deliver Products free from defects and is liable for their physical and legal defects (warranty) in accordance with the Act of 23 April 1964, Civil Code (consolidated text: Journal of Laws of 2014, item 121 as amended) (“Civil Code” ), in particular Art. 556 and 5611-5633 of the Civil Code. Medycyna Praktyczna has warranty liability if the physical defect is detected within 2 (two) years from the date of release of the Product to the Customer.

8.2. In accordance with the Civil Code, and subject to limitations of the rights of Customers other than Consumers specified in the General Terms and Conditions, the Customer may demand repair of the Product, replacement of the Product with a defect-free Product, or reduction in the price of the Product, and Consumers may also withdraw from the Contract.

8.3. The Customer may submit a complaint online, by telephone, or directly at the addresses and numbers referred to in point 1.3. of the General Terms and Conditions. When filing a complaint, the Customer should return the Product at the expense of Medycyna Praktyczna to the following address:

Medycyna Praktyczna – Dział Prenumeraty
Cholerzyn 445
32-060 Liszki

8.4. The returned Product must be accompanied by a copy of the proof of Product purchase and the account number to which Medycyna Praktyczna shall refund the amount paid by the Customer for the Product if the complaint is justified and the Customer is entitled to a refund.

8.5. Complaints are assessed within 14 (fourteen) days of receipt of the returned Product by Medycyna Praktyczna. Medycyna Praktyczna immediately informs the Customer about any need to supplement information in the complaint.

8.6. If the complaint is considered in favor of the Customer, Medycyna Praktyczna immediately replaces the defective Product with a Product free from defects or removes the defect. This does not affect the Customer’s right to submit a price reduction statement or – in the case of a Consumer – to withdraw from the Contract in accordance with applicable regulations. If it is not possible to replace the Product or remove the defect, Medycyna Praktyczna will immediately refund the purchase price of the Product to the Customer and the costs of delivery incurred by the Customer in accordance with applicable law.

8.7. In the case of Customers other than Consumers, the liability of Medycyna Praktyczna under warranty for defects is limited to the amount of the price of the purchased Product.

8.8. Errors on personalized prints, referring to data provided by the Customer, in particular, when submitting orders for Services and production of personalized prints via Internet or by phone, do not serve as the basis for complaints and liability of Medycyna Praktyczna under the warranty for defects.

8.9. Products may be covered by the manufacturer’s or distributor’s guarantee. Detailed guarantee conditions and duration are given in the guarantee card issued by the guarantor, about which the Customer is informed on the Medycyna Praktyczna website www.mp.pl/ksiegarnia when placing the order. If the guarantee document stipulates this possibility, the Customer may submit claims under the guarantee directly to an authorized service center whose address is given on the guarantee card.

8.10. In the case of Contracts for Services in the field of Training organization, Customers may submit complaints in writing regarding nonperformance or improper performance of Services in the field of Training organization to the address of Medycyna Praktyczna – Szkolenia, Cholerzyn 445, 32-060 Liszki, or via Internet at szkolenia@mp.pl. The complaint should contain data enabling identification of the Customer and the Training to which it pertains, as well as a description of circumstances justifying the complaint. Complaints are considered within 14 (fourteen) days from the date of their receipt.

9. Contracts Concluded for Definite and Indefinite Periods and Contracts with Automatic Extension

9.1. Contracts for long-term services, including, in particular, Contracts for Subscription, sale of Products released periodically, provision of Services, and granting Licenses, are concluded for a definite period, each time indicated on a the respective Offer Page or given over the phone by an employee of Medycyna Praktyczna when placing an order for a particular Subscription, Product, Service, or License, not shorter than 1 (one) year (“Term of Contract”), unless a shorter period has been defined in a specific case. Prior to the expiry of the Term of Contract, the Customer shall not be entitled to terminate such Contract, unless such a right arises under generally applicable law.

9.2. The Contracts referred to in point 9.1. hereof shall be automatically extended for the next Term unless the Customer submits a statement on contract termination to the addresses or contact details set out in point 1.3. of the General Terms and Conditions, not later than 1 (one) month before the expiry of the current Term of Contract.

9.3. Contracts concluded for an indefinite period may be terminated by submitting a statement on Contract termination with 1 (one)-month notice period, counted from the first day of the month following the month in which the statement was delivered to the other party, and expiring on the last day of that month.

10. Personal Data

10.1. The Customer’s personal data provided when placing an order shall be processed by Medycyna Praktyczna, and in the case of Contracts for Services in the field of Training organization, by Medycyna Praktyczna – Szkolenia, who are the controllers of personal data (“Data Controller”) as defined by and in accordance with provisions of the Polish Act of 29 August 1997 on the protection of personal data (consolidated text: Polish Journal of Laws of 2014, item 1182, as amended) and the Act on Electronic Services in order to:

  1. perform the Contract, including provision of electronic services;
  2. fulfill the Data Controller’s legally justified objectives, ie, direct marketing of its own products and services and pursuit of claims connected with conducting business activity.

10.2. The provision of personal data by the Customer is voluntary but necessary for performance of the Contract.

10.3. The Customer has the right to access their personal data and to correct them.

11. Functionalities and Interoperability of Digital Content

All information about the functionality and interoperability of the Digital Content can be found on the Offer Pages and applies to individual Products, Services, and Other Performances. The Digital Content (including but not limited to computer software) offered by Medycyna Praktyczna has proprietary security features that prevent unauthorized persons from viewing the Digital Content.

12. Out-of-Court Complaint and Redress Procedures and Rules of Access Thereto

12.1. Detailed information about the Consumer’s possibilities pertaining to out-of-court complaint handling and claim investigation as well as the rules of access to these procedures are available at the seats and on the websites of district (city) consumer ombudsmen, social organizations whose statutory tasks include consumer protection, Provincial Inspectorates of Trade Inspection, and at the following website addresses of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection:
https://uokik.gov.pl/consumer_protection_in_poland.php and

12.2 Examples of out-of-court complaint and claim settlements for the Consumer:

  1. The Consumer shall be entitled to appeal to the permanent arbitration consumer court referred to in Art. 37 of the Polish Act of 15 December 2000 on Trade Inspection (consolidated text: Polish Journal of Laws of 2013, item 148, as amended. (”Trade Inspection Act”), with a request to resolve a dispute arising from the concluded Contract. The principles of organization and operation of permanent arbitration consumer courts are set forth in the Regulation of the Minister of Justice of 25 September 2001 on defining the Principles of Organization and Operation of Permanent Arbitration Consumer Courts (Polish Journal of Laws of 2001, No. 113, item 1214).
  2. The Consumer is entitled to appeal to the provincial Trade Inspectors, pursuant to Art. 36 of the Trade Inspection Act, for mediation proceedings concerning amicable settlement of a dispute between the Consumer and Medycyna Praktyczna or Medycyna Praktyczna – Szkolenia. The information about the rules and process of mediation conducted by the Provincial Trade Inspectors is available at the offices and on the websites of respective Provincial Trade Inspectorates.
  3. The Consumer may obtain free assistance in resolving a dispute between the Consumer and Medycyna Praktyczna or Medycyna Praktyczna – Szkolenia from district (municipal) consumer ombudsman (as set out in the Polish Act of 16 February 2007 on competition and consumer protection, consolidated text: Polish Journal of Laws of 2015, item 184, as amended) or a social organization whose statutory tasks include consumer protection (eg, Federation of Consumers, Association of Polish Consumers). Advice is provided, among others, via the free-of-charge consumer helpline: 800 889 866.

13. Final Provisions

13.1. The General Terms and Conditions are effective as of 25 December 2014.

13.2. To the fullest extent permitted by law, Medycyna Praktyczna and Medycyna Praktyczna – Szkolenia shall not be liable for the blocking, by e-mail server administrators, of message sending to the e-mail address indicated by the Customer and for deleting and blocking e-mails by software installed on the device used by the Customer.

13.3. Any matters not governed by the Contract and these General Terms and Conditions, shall be subjected to the provisions of the Polish law including, in particular, the Civil Code, Consumer Rights Law, and the Act on Electronic Services.

13.4. Any disputes arising between Medycyna Praktyczna or Medycyna Praktyczna – Szkolenia and a Consumer shall be resolved by a competent court in accordance with the provisions of the Act of 17 November 1964, Polish Code of Civil Procedure (consolidated text: Polish Journal of Laws of 2014, item 101, as amended).

13.5. Any disputes arising between Medycyna Praktyczna or Medycyna Praktyczna – Szkolenia and a Customer other than Consumer shall be settled by a court competent for the registered office of Medycyna Praktyczna or Medycyna Praktyczna – Szkolenia.

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