
Tuesday, May 4, 2021

All times indicated in the program are CEST (Central European Summer Time; UTC+2).

Forum Edukacji Medycznej

Lectures for Polish-speaking participants. The detailed program is available here.

Session I: Assessment


Three historic paradigms in assessment: where are you and where would you like to be?

Prof. Cees van der Vleuten

Maastricht University, The Netherlands


The Teacher, the Assessor & the Patient Protector: the roles of faculty in the age of competency-based medical education

Dr. Teresa Chan

McMaster University, Canada


Identifying and remediating poor performance in medical trainees

Prof. Anthony O'Regan

Royal College of Physicians of Ireland


Methods of postgraduate assessment and examinations

Dr. Mark Westwood

UEMS Council of European Specialist Medical Assessment, UK


The evolution of CME-CPD in Europe: the UEMS perspective

Prof. Vassilios Papalois

UEMS President, UK

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

All times indicated in the program are CEST (Central European Summer Time; UTC+2).

Session II: Clinical reasoning


Developing a longitudinal clinical reasoning curriculum - an international initiative

Prof. Inga Hege

University of Augsburg, Germany


Virtual patients and interprofessional clinical reasoning

Dr. Samuel Edelbring

Örebro University, Sweden


Workplace-based assessment to foster clinical reasoning

Prof. Sören Huwendiek

University of Bern, Switzerland


Why are we not as good clinicians as we think we are: cognitive biases in clinical reasoning

Prof. Reinold Gans

President UEMS Section of Internal Medicine, University Medical Center Groningen, The Netherlands

Session III: Technology-enhanced learning in medical education


The effectiveness of virtual patient simulation in medical education

Dr. Andrzej Kononowicz

Jagiellonian University Medical College, Poland


Use of an on-line platform for the European Examination in General Cardiology: question writing and selection, standard setting, delivery and candidate preparation

Prof. Chris Plummer

Chair, European Examination in General Cardiology Board, UK


Making massive open online courses in medicine and healthcare: exploring their value for learners

Dr. Luke Woodham

St George's University of London, UK


Harnessing the power of social media for medical education: the past, the present, and the future

Dr. Teresa Chan

McMaster University, Canada


Assessing and teaching bedside clinical skills through telemedicine

Prof. Brian Garibaldi

Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, USA

Thursday, May 6, 2021

All times indicated in the program are CEST (Central European Summer Time; UTC+2).


Panel discussion and Q&A session I: Assessment

Prof. Cees van der Vleuten 

Maastricht University, The Netherlands

Dr. Teresa Chan

McMaster University, Canada

Prof. Anthony O'Regan

Royal College of Physicians of Ireland

Dr. Mark Westwood

UEMS Council of European Specialist Medical Assessment, UK

Prof. Vassilios Papalois

UEMS President, UK


Panel discussion and Q&A session II: Clinical reasoning

Prof. Inga Hege

University of Augsburg, Germany

Dr. Samuel Edelbring

Örebro University, Sweden

Prof. Sören Huwendiek

University of Bern, Switzerland

Prof. Reinold Gans

President UEMS Section of Internal Medicine, University Medical Center Groningen, The Netherlands


Panel discussion and Q&A session III: Technology-enhanced learning in medical education

Dr. Andrzej Kononowicz

Jagiellonian University Medical College, Poland

Prof. Chris Plummer

Chair, European Examination in General Cardiology Board, UK

Dr. Luke Woodham

St George's University of London, UK

Dr. Teresa Chan

McMaster University, Canada

Prof. Brian Garibaldi

Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, USA


CO-FINANCED WITH STATE BUDGET FUNDS “Doskonała Nauka (Excellent Science)” program of the Ministry of Education and Science
Conference “Medical Education Forum – International Conference and Workshops”
Financing: 200,000 PLN;
Total value: 265,280 PLN

Program „Doskonała nauka” Ministerstwa Edukacji i Nauki
Konferencja „Medical Education Forum - International conference and workshops”
Dofinansowanie 200 000 zł
Całkowita wartość 265 280 zł