Prof. Adam Torbicki

Center of Postgraduate Medical Education, Poland

Graduated from the Medical University of Warsaw in 1978. He was granted scholarships by WHO and Fondazione Salvatore Maugeri, visiting Freiburg and Pavia. A member of the academic staff at the Medical University in Warsaw in the years 1978-1998, Head of the Department of Chest Medicine in the Institute of Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases in Warsaw (1998-2011). Currently, Head of the Department of Pulmonary Circulation and Thromboembolic Diseases, Medical Center of Postgraduate Education based at the European Health Center – Otwock. Specialist in cardiology, angiology and internal medicine. His research interests cover pulmonary circulation, particularly non-invasive assessment of pulsatile hemodynamics and the determinants of prognosis in pulmonary hypertension. He was the first to publish with his team reports on prognostic value of troponin and NT-proBNP as well as on the relationship between pulmonary artery dilation and sudden death in pulmonary arterial and thromboembolic hypertension. His over 250 articles published in scientific journals were cited > 20.000 times.

Coordinator of three consecutive task forces that worked on European Guidelines for Diagnosis and Treatment of Pulmonary Embolism at the European Society of Cardiology, he is also the co-author of ESC/ERS Guidelines on Pulmonary Hypertension (2004, 2009, 2016). One of the initiators of programs for the surgical treatment of chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension and of pharmacotherapy in arterial pulmonary hypertension in Poland. Coordinator of Polish registries of pulmonary embolism and pulmonary hypertension: ZATPOL and PHPOL. He was the Chairman of the Working Group on Pulmonary Circulation and Right Ventricular Function of the ESC (2004-2006). In the years 2004-2007, he presided over the Polish Cardiac Society and between 2010-2012 served as Vice-President of the European Society of Cardiology. Honorary Member of the Polish, French and Mexican Society of Cardiology.