Prof. Paul Moayyedi

McMaster University, Canada

Dr. Paul Moayyedi qualified in medicine from Bristol University and obtained a PhD and Masters in Public Health from the University of Leeds. He moved to McMaster University in 2004 and was Director of the Division of Gastroenterology at McMaster in 2006-2017. He holds the Audrey Campbell Chair of Ulcerative Colitis Research and is currently the Assistant Dean of Research at McMaster University. He has published over 429 peer-reviewed articles that have been cited over 66,000 times with an h index of 124. He is on the Highly Cited ResearchersTM 2021 list of the top 1% of world researchers from the last decade. He is joint Editor-in-Chief of Gastroenterology and currently the President of the Canadian Association of Gastroenterology. He is a proponent of evidence-based medicine and has been the methodologist on many guidelines.