Recent advances in allergy and immunology

Katharine M. Woessner

Katharine M. Woessner, MD, is the head of the Division of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology at Scripps Clinic Medical Group in San Diego, US.

If you were to name the 3 most important recent advances in the fields of allergy and immunology that are relevant for everyday practice, what would they be?

I think the 3 most important developments lately have been the early introduction of peanut for children under the age of 1 year; to introduce peanut has greatly reduced the incidence of peanut allergy.

Secondly, [there] would be the advancement of biologic therapies for patients with asthma, hereditary angioedema, and nasal polyps. That’s been a game changer.

And then, finally, [there] would be understanding the genetics behind a lot of primary immune deficiencies, because it’s allowed for much more specific therapy.

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