Inspired by past case presentations? Now it’s your turn to take the stage! The upcoming Young Talents in Internal Medicine World Contest 2025 invites young health professionals to showcase their diagnostic skills and discuss compelling reports from their own practice. Read more at and submit by February 20, 2025.
Case description
We present a case of pyrexia of unknown origin (PUO) in a 68-year-old, fit, and healthy man who underwent extensive diagnostic evaluation during 3 months of hospitalization. The workup encompassed 90 blood tests, 8 blood cultures, 45 tests for 30 different infections, 7 blood films, 5 sputum and urine cultures, 2 extensive autoimmune screens, 2 bone marrow biopsies, 6 computed tomography scans, 8 chest x-rays, 2 echocardiography examinations, 1 positron emission tomography/computed tomography scan, 1 muscle biopsy, 10 multidisciplinary team discussions, and 1 magnetic resonance imaging scan. Finally, a rare diagnosis of hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH) with underlying intravascular lymphoma was made. HLH and intravascular lymphoma are both rare conditions on their own. Diagnosing them together requires high clinical suspicion and a stroke of luck. The learning points for this case are the importance of history taking and physical examination, the understanding and high clinical suspicion of HLH, and perseverance.
About Best Case Report Contest 2024
Young Talents in Internal Medicine World Contest—previously Best Case Report Contest—is a contest for internal medicine specialists or trainees in internal medicine up to 35 years of age. Every year the most engaging submissions from around the world are presented by authors during a special session at the McMaster International Review Conference of Internal Medicine (MIRCIM). Visit to learn more.
To browse all abstracts from Best Case Report Contest 2024, visit Polish Archives of Internal Medicine.