Enfermedades pancreáticas: avances de 2021/2022

Choroby trzustki – postępy 2021/2022
Andrzej Dąbrowski (MD, PhD)

Nota: la revisión de las publicaciones abarca el período comprendido entre el 01/04/2021 y el 08/03/2022.

Siglas y abreviaturas: ACE — antígeno carcinoembrionario, ADP — adenocarcinoma ductal pancreático, BD-IPMN (branch duct IPMN) — IPMN de rama lateral, CP — características preocupantes, DAG — displasia de alto grado, DD — drenaje diferido, DI — drenaje inmediato, DM — diferencia media, EAR — estigma de alto riesgo, HR — hazard ratio, IPMN (intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm) — neoplasia mucinosa papilar intraductal, NQM — neoplasia quística mucinosa, MNPC (mucinous neoplastic pancreatic cyst) — quiste pancreático neoplásico mucinoso, OR — odds ratio, PA — pancreatitis aguda, PAAF — punción aspirativa con aguja fina, PC — pancreatitis crónica, PLCO (prostate, lung, colorectal and ovarian) — próstata, pulmón, colon y ovarios, ROSE (rapid on-site evaluation) — evaluación rápida in situ, RR — riesgo relativo, SARS-CoV-2 (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2) — coronavirus 2 del síndrome respiratorio agudo grave, SM — síndrome metabólico, VPN — valor predictivo negativo, VPP — valor predictivo positivo, WON (walled-off necrosis) — necrosis encapsulada


1. Pandanaboyana S., Moir J., Leeds J.S. y cols.,SARS-CoV-2 infection in acute pancreatitis increases disease severity and 30-day mortality, COVID PAN collaborative study, Gut, 2021; 70: 1061-1069
2. Boxhoorn L., van Dijk S.M., van Grinsven J. y cols.,Immediate versus postponed intervention for infected necrotizing pancreatitis., N. Engl. J. Med., 2021; 385: 1372-1381
3. Adam M.G., Beyer G., Christiansen N. y cols., Identification and validation of a multivariable prediction model based on blood plasma and serum metabolomics for the distinction of chronic pancreatitis subjects from non-pancreas disease control subjects, Gut, 2021; 70: 2150-2158
4. Smith Z.L., Sagarika Satyavada S., Simons-Linares R. y cols., Intracystic glucose and carcinoembryonic antigen in differentiating histologically confirmed pancreatic mucinous neoplastic cysts, Am. J. Gastroenterol., 2022; 117: 478-485
5. McCarty T.R., Garg R., Rustagi T., Pancreatic cyst fluid glucose in differentiating mucinous from nonmucinous pancreatic cysts: a systematic review and meta-analysis, Gastrointest.Endosc., 2021; 94: 698-712
6. Marchegiani G., Pollini T., Andrianello S. y cols., Progression vs cyst stability of branch-duct intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms after observation and surgery, JAMA Surg., 2021; 156: 654-661
7. Tjaden C., Sandini M., Mihaljevic A.L. y cols., Risk of thewatch-and-wait concept in surgical treatment of intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm, JAMA Surg., 2021; 156: 818-825
8. Park J.-H., Han K., Hong J.Y. y cols., Changes in metabolic syndrome status are associated with altered risk of pancreatic cancer: a nationwide cohort study, Gastroenterology, 2022; 162: 509-520
9. Crino S.F., Di Mitri R., Nguyen N.Q. y cols., Endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine-needle biopsy with or without rapid on-site evaluation for diagnosis of solid pancreatic lesions: a randomized controlled non-inferiority trial, Gastroenterology, 2021; 161: 899-909
10. Fahrmann J.F., Schmidt M., Mao X. y cols., Lead-time trajectory of CA19-9 as an anchor marker for pancreatic cancer early detection, Gastroenterology, 2021; 160: 1373-1383